Greetings and Thanks for your patience while I was off to other parts of the country and beyond to the south and gator territory . . The Annual Moss Street Paint In happened on the 19th of July and we were off the next day so there was little time to touch base and without a computer along for the ride the communications were in limbo.
Special Thanks to Coco my assistant, my team of Wackstuff (Jeffrey Errick) and wife Virginia, Cindy and Lin, Marna and Margaret, Kat and Nat . . and those that were able to lend a hand when needed from the ATC Victoria Group. You were wonderful and made the whole day a grand success!
It has been such a treat to go through the mail and now to take the time to return responses. I'll post more images from the festival shortly. Studio J is being readied for the Mailmania 3 showing and if you haven't done so there is still time to get something in for the exhibition. I am pleased to have a new grouping of portraits to add to the portrait gallery and am so happy each day to see the faces of so many artists greet me in the space.
With Love and Laughter and best wishes