Friday, April 25, 2008
Haje Holmstrom, (Fluxhound), Vasterhankmo, FINLAND
Check out more postal Flux:
Jokey Wilson, San Francisco, CA, USA
Hey Jokey . . Thanks for the wonderful mail . .too bad the mailman cracked the work fitting it into the mailbox . . . the history of a journey.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A.R.T., Grove City, PA, USA
Many Thanks for the collected articles. I've enjoyed reading them. Canada posting soon to follow.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Bill Thomson, Burnaby, BC, CANADA
Thanks Bill . . Hope the show is a great success!
Nicole Eippers, Melin, Belgium
Thanks Nicole . . good to hear from you.
Servane Morel, Bruxelles, BELGIQUE
Servane has a Mail Art Call:
Jules Verne and extraordinary Voyages
check out the blog:
Cascadia Artpost, Seattle, WA, USA
Love the Certified Mail Art . .
Merci encore . . .M
Vivien, Winnipeg, MB, CANADA
Thanks Vivien . . I'll be getting something in the mail soon . . must say that one one of the most interesting folds for a note that I have seen.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Lorraine Kwan, "Paper and Postage", Vancouver, BC, CANADA
Thanks Lorraine for the invitation. I'm hoping to make it over there before the show closes. . . perhaps even on the 20th . . for the "Meet the Local Artists gathering. All the best with the show.
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